Friday, March 22, 2013

The Coffee House at Cadwaladers

The joys of working in a great Welsh establishment!

Remote Install of RealVNC

I'm a little pleased with myself right now! Ever wanted to take control of a remote computer, and the user at the other end is in desperate need of help? Well thanks to this page I managed to write a small batch file that would install RealVNC together with a password and start the service allowing you to use the RealVNC viewer on that remote computer.

The link above talks about version 3.37 of RealVNC - at the time of writing, RealVNC is on version 4.13 - the main differences to the above link is the directory structure.

Here's the batch file that I created - created form the link above and modified to the 4.13 version of RealVNC.

<begin batch file>

REM Connect to IPC share
NET USE \\%1\IPC$ /user:administrator
REM Copy VNC Software
xcopy "C:\Program Files\RealVNC\*.*" "\\%1\C$\Program Files\RealVNC\*.*" /r/i/c/h/k/e
REM Copy registry settings
regedit /e "\\%1\C$\vncdmp.txt" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\RealVNC"
REM - Install registry remotely
psexec \\%1 -s -i -d %windir%\regedit /s C:\vncdmp.txt
REM install the remote service
psexec \\%1 -s -i -d "C:\Program Files\RealVNC\VNC4\winvnc4.exe" -register
REM start the service
psexec \\%1 -s -i -d net start "VNC Server Version 4"

<end batch file>

You will notice the %1 variable - this is to allow you to specify and IP address or computer name at the command prompt. For example - if you saved your batch file as installvnc.bat and you want to install the software on a computer with the IP address of - at the command prompt enter:


You will also see from the batch file that it logs in as administrator on the remote computer - you must be able to supply the password for this account otherwise it will not work!

Here are the links for all this to work:


The original author's guide 

The PsExec tool

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Working towards...

I have been a long time fan of Google Apps - and am now in the process of becoming a Certified Deployment Specialist.

It's going well so far and stage one is complete!  Ask me how Google Apps can benefit your organisation.